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Fitness February: The Little Thing That Could Help 2011 Be Your Fittest Year Ever

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Have you been exercising more this year? Maybe you're finally making good on a New Year's resolution that you make every year. Want to keep up your hard work and make your goal a way of life? Here's the advice that has been working for me ....


OK, well maybe not to the point where you're blabbing about how many weight reps you did at the gym, or tweeting about how many calories you burned an hour ago (though if it works for you, great!), but the idea is to let others in on your fitness goals so that you become accountable!

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I've been sharing my newfound love of running here on this blog, via Facebook, and also to my close friends and family. What I'm finding is that more people are asking me how it's going or sharing their own running stories, which makes me less prone to procrastinate my daily jogs. In fact, in the last month and a half, I've learned to love running. I've finally made it a habit! It's a strategy that works for me and lots of others, say fitness experts.

Are you spreading the news about your fitness goals?

P.S. News on why working out outdoors is so healthy! And would you wear these sassy sports bras?

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