What is this concept of Death and Birth?
While clearing my mind of any past or future streams of consciousness I find myself here and now. Could Death and Birth be just that? Finding the moment and putting a tickle of life into the mix.
First of all I know nothing...could this allow me to experience something new? What is this idea of Death? This emerging paradigm of Birth?
Is Death the possibility of accepting what is? Is Birth the inspiring field of joy? When consciousness knocks and the door opens?

Here I go into my interpretation of all of my experience up until now, of Death And Rebirth.
While exploring the world of illusion (Death), I found a certain story that kept me aligned with loss. After losing a number of friends and family members, one being my Fiancee in 1993, I began a new career in locating spirit or what I know now as threads of consciousness. I became very focused on finding bodies for different agencies. Of course these bodies were just carbon units, after spirit had shifted from the mortal coil. This allowed me to be wonderfully excited about my outer body experiences and I gained an understanding of how important it was to create a temple or body of consciousness here in the 3rd and 4th dimensions. So anyway, after finding the 11th body, and the last in this career, on the beautiful Island of Oahu, I was entertained with a direct communication with the deceased. I found this body wrapped with plastic garbage bags. He had been passed only 4 hours. This soul then invited me into a field of such amazing and loving grace, I felt every image from every lifetime. I was lifted and tickled by hummingbirds, butterflies, birds singing, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, all images were connecting me into high vibrations of joy. I than asked how he had died, "I was murdered" he replied. At this moment I felt the contraction only judgement could invite. I then asked, well you must be angry? ... At this point he inviting me into a stream of dolphins...I think he sensed the limited understanding of my ability to process feelings. I again could feel the direct contact with these amazing fields of energy. He then stated to me...."I choose to experience anger, rage, revenge, all the rich experiences of this expression called being murdered." He than went onto share that linear time is just that. It is mind held, memory installed so perfectly the body itself gets to experience it. So it was just your karma I commented. He shared, "everything here in these lower dimensions, everything is already created. We come here to experience things, the very idea of death and birth, is rich in experience." "To feel and know that you are creating your experience by interpreting what you are thinking and feeling is magnificent! " I was moved and touched by this wonderful Soul.
Since this experience I have dropped into the magnetic filed of emotion and began exploring energy in motion. To be open to my sometimes controlled, sedated, and managed emotional body. To die, to surrender, to forgive, to balance, to give birth, all began to make sense to me. The mental body holds experience in place, long enough for us to experience them. The emotional body after accepting what is being experienced as joy...is reaching out for the next dance. The physical sends out signals through electro-magnetic pulses, drawing density into form. The form was never something to attach meaning to, or to hold onto for a sense of identity. I feel the emotional body was being suppressed, controlled, or sometimes sedated into believing an untruth. Of course time is an illusion, so as we ask it is given. What we are thinking and feeling IS. There is just your story. The old idea of mystery, ritual, superstition, the archetypal third and forth dimensional support crew, is all part of the wonderful illusion presented to us here.
So I am so open to listen and be inspired by each of your comments about Death and Birth. To love and be loved is quite amazing. Thank you for playing in this consciousness with me.
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