One of the more common cleansing diets available is a detox (detoxification) diet. This type of diet releases the toxins that have stored up in the fat cells of the body and allows the body to remove them and cleanse them out of the body's systems.
But why do people use a cleansing or detox diet. It is really simple really, they use a cleansing/detox diet to eliminate the toxins and other contaminants from their bodies and they do this to for the following reasons:-
1. It helps to improve their health.
2. It makes them feel more energetic.
3. It helps to improve their immunity system.
4. Many people have found that it improves their mental processes.
5. It aides their body's digestive system.
6. Has helped with weight loss.
There are many ways in which you can carry out a cleansing diet and below are a few you could try.
Firstly there is the complete fast. This would mean that you do not eat or drink at all; in fact all you do is drink just water. Or if you want you could just drink water and juice
There are various ways to do this.
Then there are other diets where you only eat certain foods, but it will have to consist of fresh fruit and vegetables and then there are some that will consist of you just drinking liquids. There seems to be a number of variations on these sorts of detox diets around.
Another way of carrying out a detox diet is to use herbs. In fact herbal cleansing has been around since ancient times and there are certain herbs that can be used to help release and excrete the toxins from our bodies.