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Detoxification Diet - A Colon Cleansing Program

colon detoxification

Our colon is part of the important organs of our digestive system, and is unfortunately also one of the most taken for granted. A lot of individuals believe in the wrong statement that the colon does the cleansing by itself.

In a perfect world, a normal human being's diet will consist mostly of foods high in fiber like vegetables and fruits. But quite obviously, this is not how the modern world works. American diets for example, consist so much protein from meat and processed food, and contains very little fiber, the reason why people's plumbing are so clogged up. Poor eating habits can hamper an efficient digestion and contribute to the accumulation of toxic substances that cause problems in the colon and other organs responsible for the cleansing of the body like the kidneys and liver.

And because our colon serves as the sewage system of our body, it needs not much proof that we need to keep it in proper working order. A recent study by the Royal Society of Medicine in Europe reveals that there are around 36 deadly toxins which can come from our colon.

A colon detoxification diet offers assistance in efficiently flushing out the harmful build up of toxic substances on our colon. Strict compliance with this diet can grant an individual the chance to get back to optimum health. If you are wondering what a colon detoxification diet is all about, then you've come to the right place. Good news is, as compared to the more famous diet plans in the market today, this diet program is just simple, and the ingredients can be easily be bought in your local grocery or just inside your kitchen.

Fruits and Juices--it is no secret that fruits are nature's wonderful elixirs, and they are capable of bringing upon good things upon the body. In this program, eating fruits and adequate water is highly recommended. Most fruits contain powerful antioxidants and are rich in fiber--just what you need for a smoother bowel movement. Keep in mind that you must eat only fresh fruits, not canned or preservative-filled packages.

colon detoxification

Vegetables--normally, veggies are labeled good for the body, but while you are in a colon detoxification diet, it is advised that you keep away from the starchy types like parsnips and potatoes and go for raw vegetables and salads instead as these are healthier alternatives. If for some reason you don't like the impression of eating them raw, steaming it would be a good idea as this does not strip away its nutrients. Vegetables are also rich in fiber and can help sweep up the toxins in your colon.

Herbs--herbal medications are readily available in many drugstores nowadays, and they are designed to clear the colon and digestive tract of all impurities. Taking herbal supplements like these is highly recommended in your colon detoxification program. Good examples are bayberry, turkey rhubarb and ginger. These herbs not only help in the detoxification process but also help improve blood circulation.

While undergoing a detoxification diet, it is best to stay away form meat because our system has a hard time digesting it, and can also cause our body to produce acids which in turn require our body to have more cleaning tasks. If you must consume meat, make sure you tone it down to small portions and gradually remove it from your daily menu. Dairy products are unmistakably part of the American diet. But come to think of it, a lot of individuals are still having osteoporosis despite regular milk consumption! The reason for this is that the calcium content of dairy products is not the kind of calcium which is readily absorbed by our body. Bread and pastries are also one of the things you need to avoid while in this detoxification program, as well as drinking coffee too.

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