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Health, Nutrition and Easy Diet - Understanding The Role of Vitamins in Our Body

additional supplements

We all know that we need vitamins, minerals and herbs from our foods. But, even if we eat well, and most of us don't, we still need some supplements to our food intake for various reasons or for specific requirements. Often we don't really understand the contribution that each of these nutrients bring to our body maintenance, function and wellness. Because of that, we neglect giving what our boy requires. Let's take a look at the role of vitamins in our body.

Vitamins are organic compound micro-nutrients required for the health and functioning of the entire body. They are necessary for the regulation of the metabolism and assisting the biochemical processes of the digestive and other body systems and the maintenance of good health and well-being.

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Green Tea Weight Loss - Fast Weight Loss?

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Green Tea for Weight Loss-

Green tea, more formally known as Camellia Sinensis, is a beneficial plant that is native to China. However, its usage is gaining popularity the west. Used for thousands of years in the East, green tea claims to lower chances of heart disease and cancer. Its most alluring quality may be its safe and fast weight loss promises. Is this a real claim, or is it hype?

Beware of Extreme Weight Loss Claims-

Many product manufacturers will claim that their tea drinks will promise extreme weight loss. Green tea alone will only burn about 50-80 calories/5 cups (more on this below). However, coupled with other active ingredients such as Hoodia Gordonii (yes, it's safe), it creates an extreme weight loss combination.

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Green Tea Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight Naturally

Green tea is one of the popular herbal products known for improving health but not many of us know about its help in weight loss. However this is not the only solution for losing weight but helps to burn excess fat when taken with other programs for losing weight.

The usage of green tea would only help you in losing your weight but that does not mean you can stop exercising or quit your diet. There is caffeine present in it which is a stimulant in burning those extra calories. While there are other drinks as well which has caffeine those drinks also have fat and calories along with it.

Drinks like coffee or soda cannot help in weight loss even though they have caffeine. The reason being they have fats and calories also in addition to caffeine. It is also important to remember that green tea would just stimulate weight loss and you can burn only around 70 to 80 cal per day which is less than that found in drinks like coffee.

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Green Tea Weight Loss - Sipping Your Way to Success!

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The dieting industry is an industry which is no stranger to fads, novelty items, quack remedies and cheap marketing gimmicks and so it is understandable that reports that green tea weight loss is possible have been met with no small measure of skepticism from an all too wary public.

The effects of green tea have been subject to very stringent research and testing in order to more readily ascertain whether or not the claims that have been made thus far as to the benefits of drinking it are indeed genuine. So far, the research has been overwhelmingly positive.

Studies have indicated that one of the reasons as to why Green tea weight loss is more than an abstract concept is because green tea actually helps to increase the metabolism rate of the body and it should be noted that the metabolism rate is the process involved in the calorie burning regime and the faster this goes, the more calories we burn.

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Healthy Diet - Guidelines For a Healthy Diet

forming foods

Let food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food. A good diet is essential for our health and well-being. Poor nutrition combined with excessive stress, drugs, pollution and a lack of exercise will inevitably lead to a compromised level of health and ultimately to serious disease.

Often individuals are completely unaware that they are operating below par because they have never experienced what it is like to feel healthy. They are accustomed to accepting their three colds every year, mysterious 'viruses', monthly, weekly or even daily headaches, irregular bowel movements, aching muscles and stiff, painful creaking joints. They expect to get extreme fatigue as a result of coping with the stresses and strains of modern life. Such individuals are opening up their bodies to the likelihood of more serious illnesses. Often it is only after the appearance of serious disease that an individual can be persuaded to change his or her diet. Eating habits are formed early in life and it is always so much easier to continue with old patterns of nutrition than it is to change. However, once a person has made the initial effort the benefits of the new nutritional regime rapidly become apparent.

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Health, Nutrition and Easy Diet - Understanding Our Body System

Digestive system

Respecting this fearfully and wonderfully made body system is key to realize the importance of diet and health. Even the smallest elements going into our body play a critical role in its proper function of health and well-being.

The body is composed of millions of cells that work like tiny engines. These work either synergistically or independently. To work properly these cells need specific types of fuel or nourishment. Like engines, if they are not given proper fuel and oil they cannot work properly - it's as simple as that.

These fuel and oil called nutrients come from within the healthy foods we eat. These nutrients are basically vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, amino acids, carbohydrates and fats. All of these are vital for the body to carry on its daily functions. The functions of these nutrients take place on a microscopic level. That's why every bit of healthy foods and supplements given to our body affects the system critically.

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Health & Fitness - Weight Loss Diet

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It's a common phenomenon that people, who want to lose their weight, opt for dieting without any proper diet plan in knowledge. Obese people have a preconceived notion in their mind that dieting and exercising will cut down their weight to a considerable amount. Energetic people opt for physical exercise and related activities but those who can't exercise go for dieting. But a clear idea about proper diet is not known to many people. So, before adopting any diet plan for losing weight quickly, some dieting basics should be known to us.

Dieting basics

The main objective of dieting is to shed off excess weight. It's a cumulative end result achieved through the following:

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Health, Nutrition and Easy Diet - Understanding Our Digestion System

digestive system

The most important contribution to our preventive health program is to read our body signs. To do this we need to understand the different parts of our body system. Health, nutrition and easy diet begin with understanding our digestion system. It will help us realize the critical importance of nutrient deficiencies and why we need to make corrective changes in our food habits and diet intake.

Before undertaking any major alternative health program and adding supplements to your diet, check any matters of concern that you may have within your body. Your doctor or health professional will help to create a beneficial program for your individual need.

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