Green tea is now available everywhere. It is becoming a popular choice for more and more people every day. It is an acquired taste, although a taste which many people enjoy. Even so, the health benefits, and especially the subject of green tea weight loss, is what's really catching the attention of the western world.
Green tea originated in China, but has always been culturally associated with South East Asia, Japan and the Middle East. In the West, black tea blends have always been favored. Recently green tea has been the subject of much research. There has been some evidence to suggest that it can reduce the risk some cancer types and heart disease. As well as lowering cholesterol, and even aiding weight loss.
It is made by using the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. During ancient times it was referred to in Latin, as Thea Sinensis (Chinese Tea) and Thea Viridis (Green Tea). Each country has unique varieties, depending mostly on where and how it was grown. Traditional Chinese medicine has used green tea to treat many illnesses, including asthma, coronary disease and angina. However, in Japan, it has long been considered a weight loss aid. Researchers in Japan claim five cups a day burns around seventy five calories.
It is a stimulant, just like coffee. It has caffeine in it, just like coffee. So limiting your intake is recommended if you find yourself getting over stimulated.
Unlike it's oxidized brother, black tea, the green variety has a certain antioxidant called Epigallocatechin-3 Gallate. Antioxidants prevent free radicals, and free radicals are bad news for the body. It is believed that when free radicals oxidize within the body, that causes inflammation and ultimate tissue damage. The kind of damage which has been attributed to many serious illnesses, like cancer and heart disease.
With all these 'friendly' antioxidants, it is considered to be a protective system, literally defending the body from an free-radical attack! Many of the tea's health benefits remain scientifically inconclusive, due to lack of funding for large scale scientific studies. Even so, there has been much to suggest many of the claims are founded. While it can not be considered proven as a weight loss product at this point, its many other benefits have been talked about and experienced for centuries.
So why don't you give it a try? You may just shed a few pounds and get healthier at the same times.
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